Here is our final version of; Death On Tuesday
Death On Tuesday from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.
Labels: Evaluation Task: 7 at 12:07
During the progression of my final project i have found that the quality of the editing and titles have improved drastically and believe this can be the most noticable and distinct improvement.
The titles in our preliminary task consisted of us merely using the simple 'Add titles' tool provided on premiere pro, which overall produced titles that looked simplistic and dull.
Creating our titles for 'Death On Tuesday' however proved more effective when completed on after effects as it provided a wider range of effects to add onto our titles to make them look more professionally produced. This was due to the fact that after effects enables you add graphics and animation to make our production logo and titles look more effective and of a higher quality.
During the preliminary task the camera work we produced was of a poor quality as it was the first time handling the camera for most of us. Our final product, 'Death on tuesday' however, showed us having more of a skilled hand and being able to fully function the cameras with ease, overall creating a smooth piece of footage. During the production of our final piece we also imporved our skills of filming and editing into one consecutive piece of footage. This can be noticed with Stephnie (our female protagonist) walking into the camera and Nathaniel (male protagonist) walking out of the audiences vision.
Labels: Evaluation Task: 6 at 12:06
Labels: Evaluation Task: 5 at 12:06
Death On Tuesday from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.
We created our production logo ' Half moon productions' firstly as a worded logo supported by a dull background, this was due to the fact that our film is from the thriller genre and audiences are expecting scenes of a dull and gritty nature.
We then show an image of a moon next to the worded logo to help the audience associate the figure of the moon with our production company, therefore making it easily recognisable. We decided to keep the image simple as it would be easy to remember and because a 'Moon' is commonly seen by people.
Our establishing shot shows an image of the city. The effect of this is that it begins to set the scene, with the rain connotating bad circumstances to come during the film.
The first frame of our film shows our female protagonist proceeding on a seductive walk towards the camera (or the audience). The efffect of this is that it introduces her character as being sexy and lustful, so that the audience have some indication of what is to come for her character.
he names of each character and people involved in our film fade in. This holds a chilling 'Thriller' effect to support the genre in which we have chosen. The pace in which the titles enter also go with the temp of the music, this makes the footage seem as if it is running more smoothly and in sync in comparison to if the music and footage were not in sync.
The second frame introduces the male protagonist as being dominant with a strong and powerful walk, heading away from the audience. The effect of this was that it portrays him as walking away from his crimes (or hinted crimes), as the women who walked into the frame has now dissappeared. This will arouse suspicion amongst the viewers, maintaining the key elements of mystery on action-thrillers.
This frame shows the female protagonist walking innocently passed the screen, with the titles following her. The effect of this is that it connonates the aspect of her being followed or 'Stalked' by the male protagonist.
The male protagonist during this moment of the film is shown smoking a cigar. As cigars are commonly and sterotypically associated with people of high status, usually in societies like 'The maffia', audiences will encorpret this idea into their view on his character. Creating assumptions that build on what they acspect from his character.
Labels: Evaluation Task: 4 at 12:05
Shops and Style
The target audience we are aiming to please, i would say generally base theyre shopping around high street stores as they offer fashion at an afforable price. Most people in our targetted audience age group will not have jobs and if so, they are merely part-time/weekend jobs and this therefore means they will have a budget with items they wish to posses. Teenagers and young adolecents are very materialistic people and reply on clothing to in many ways represent who they are and which social group they belong in. For example, it is sterotypical for 'Goths' to wear dark coloured clothing and wear symbollic skulls and crucifixes included in their outfits.
Generally the music that our viewers would typically listen to consists of many different types of music;
pop, hip-hop, rock and r&b mainly. Our soundtrack in ways encorprets all these sounds to make our film even more appealing to the targetted audience. For example, the piano and violin sounds benefit pop and r&b fans where as the base and drums would suit those more into hip-hop / rock music.
Programmes typically watched by young adolescents include; Skins, Eastenders, Hollyoaks.
These shows portray relationships and violence which are aspects also strongly included within Death on tuesday. As the content of our film can be seen as relatable to the television programmes our target audience watch, this will help influence them to be even more intrested in watching the film.
Free Time
It is typical of those aged 15 and over to socialise very often. For example, attending parties and going to the cinema. They also share very varied relationships between them whether it be of a sexually premiscuious nature or of a subtly close friendship. many teenagers free-time consists of par-taking in different habbits, such as smoking and drinking which are elements involved within Death on tuesday.
Media Consumption
Popular forms of media consumed by our audience consist of:
Their reasons for keeping so in touch with the media is to ensure they are always kept well informed of the latest fashions and 'must-have's' at all times. Due to the fact, i earlier to stated that they are materialistic beings. Taking this point into account, targetting an audience well in touch with the media is a wise choice as we could get many young people conversing about our film, effectively encouraging others to talk about and view our film.
Would They Like Our Film?
I believe our target audience will enjoy our film as it holds elements of surprise aswell as tension. Young adults enjoy films that make them 'jump' as they provide them with a thrill and afterwards creates conversation amoungst peer groups. It suits both make and female audiences as it is action filled to sterotypically please the males and iincludes scenes of love and affection (sterotypically set to suit females). Another reason in which our film will attract female audiences is because it shows a female challenging the normal sterotypical role for women in thriller movies, as our female protagonist is not a victim.
Maslow's Heirarchy Of Needs
This is a diagram showing the psychologist, Maslow's famous heirarchy of needs. This pyramid details the needs that need to be satisfied before one can proceed onto the next step of the pyramid, until u eventually reach self-actualization.
Death on tuesday can be seen as helping our target audience reach self-actualization. Although it cannot provide physiological needs (basic needs), such as food and water, it does supply a level of secruity, especially amongst the female viewers. Fpr example, it portrays a sterotypically 'weaker' sex to take centre stage as being dominant, showiing females in our audience that security can be provided against men who take advantage of women.
A sence of affection can also be noted within the film as there are times when the male and female protagonists are set to par-take in a loving scene of romance. This creates a sense of connection and intimacy towards the audience, ultimately feeding them with a warm-hearted feeling.
Self-esteem and self-confidence can also be build through viewing our film as the audience will have a chance to compare their lives to those of the characters which will ultimately make them feel better about themselves and glad that the lives they lead are a lot simpliar than those of our protagonists. It could also encourage audiences to better themselves if their lives in some ways can be related to those of the characters.
Once all these aspects are successfully completed, viewers will be able to reach self-actualization through watching Death on tuesday.
Labels: Evaluation Task: 3 at 12:04
We names our production company 'Half Moon Productions' and aim to produce mainly films from the thriller genre. ALthough thrillers are our speciality, we do infact exapand on this idea and produce 'hybrids' (a combination of two genres). For example 'Death on tuesday' is a action-thriller film. After much research into what film companies would distribute our film, we came to the conclusion that 'Hammer film productions' would be a great choice as in their early years they were mostly associated with films from the thriller genre - perfect for 'Death on tuesday'.
Many famous thrillers have been sucessfully distributed from this company including; 'Dracula' and 'The rude awakening'.
These films were distrubuted around the mid 50's, and compared to our thriller are not very modern, however, the company has recently been sold to 'John de mol' (big brother creator) and he has annouced that he promises to spend £25million on new horror/thriller films. This budget would prove very useful to our film.
We have decided to distribute our film to cinemas all over the globe eventually as the target audience can be widely spread to teenagers everywhere as after much reasearch shows, the majority of teens enjoy feels that make the 'jump' and provide the 'thrill factor'.
However as our production company is new, and not very well-known we plan to start locally, releasing our film to cinemas all over london to start with.
The money to fund our film we have decided will come from sponsors, advertisers and grants, etc. The best time to release our film would be during the school holiday period, as this is the time most teenagers will be free to attend.
Labels: Evaluation Task: 2 at 12:04
Women are presented to be a strong sex within our film, ultimately this idea challenges the sterotypical role of females in action thriler movies. In many intances, women are presented as the weaker sex, waiting to be rescued by a male or even over shadowed by the heroic male figure. However in death on tuesday the female protagonist (Stephnie) plays a female assasin who sets out to out-shine/defeat the male serial murderer and infact make him her victim. This idea challenges the cliche idea surrounding women to be the weaker sex. This idea is also presented n the action thriller 'Smokin Aces'. This film shows the protagonist (Alicia Keys) also challenging gender sterotypes as she takes the lead in victimising males. Alicia Keys and Myself (Stephnie) both hold these similarities within our characters. Another similarity both characters have in common is that they both use the desirable nature of the female form to lure their victims into a spot of vunerability. The way in which they do this can also be compared, for example, theyre costumes are both fitted to emboss their shape to make them seem for desirable and attractive towards the opposite sex, and both wear their hair down - againg connoting sexual desire within females.
Labels: Evaluation Task: 1 at 12:03